Delayed Egress Timer
3 Relock modes
Programmable nuisance
delay timer
Adjustable pre-delay timer
Adjustable post-delay timer
Form C relay outputs for lock
relay and remote alarm
Transistor ground output for local
alarm outputs
Auto or programmed relocking
after power loss
Users and installers of this product are responsible for ensuring that the installation and configuration of this
product complies with all national, state, and local laws and codes related to locking and egress devices.
SECO-LARM will not be held responsible for the use of this product in violation of any current laws or codes.
NOTE: Products with model numbers that end with “Q” or have a round green “Q” sticker signify RoHS-compliant products.
ENFORCER Delayed Egress Timer
(68mm) (76mm)
Timer module only
21/2” (63mm)
P.C. board
31/16” (78mm)
P.C. board
213/16” (72mm)
Mounting holes
21/4” (57mm)
Mounting holes
LED 2 (Red):
LED 3 (Red):
If ON, the lock
relay is energized*
(see pg. 8)
If ON, the remote alarm
relay is energized*
(see pg. 8)
LED 1 (Blue):
LED 4 (Red):
If ON, the SA-025EQ
is being powered
(see pg. 9)
If ON, the local alarm
is being triggered
(see pg. 8)
Relock mode jumpers
(see pg. 5)
Post-delay timer
(see pg. 6)
Jumpers (see pg. 7)
Pre-delay timer
(see pg. 6)
DIP Switch for
Power-up mode
& Nuisance delay
(see pg. 6)
Terminal block (see pg. 4)
*Normally energized.
ENFORCER Delayed Egress Timer
Removing the housing
To remove the housing cover from the
SA-025EQ, use a paper clip or a similar
object to push one of the two tabs on the
back of the unit inward.
Push tab
If mounting is necessary, secure two
screws (not included) through the two
screw holes located on the side of the unit
to a mounting surface.
Wiring Diagram:
Remote alarm relay output
(10A@24VDC, Form C Relay, NO/NC/COM)* (see pg. 8)
Lock relay output
(10A@24VDC, Form C Relay, NO/NC/COM)* (see pg. 8)
Local alarm output (500mA@12VDC, transistor ground) (see pg. 8)
Pre-delay bypass input (N.O.+) (see pg. 8)
Free egress input (N.C.+) (see pg. 9)
Reset input (N.C.+) (see pg. 9)
Initiate input (N.C.+) (for unlock device) (see pg. 9)
Bypass input (N.C.+) (see pg. 9)
Lock status input (N.C.+) (see pg. 9)
Power input (12~24 VAC/VDC) (see pg. 9)
*Normally energized. (Screen print refers to energized state as normal.)
ENFORCER Delayed Egress Timer
Users and installers of this product are responsible for
ensuring that the installation and configuration of this
product complies with all national, state, and local laws
and codes related to locking and egress devices.
SECO-LARM will not be held responsible for the use of
this product in violation of any current laws or codes.
Relock Modes:
The SA-025EQ can operate in three different
relock modes: standard mode, BOCA
mode, and timed mode. In order to switch
between these modes, locate the relock
mode jumper on the circuit board and move
the jumper to the appropriate pins.
Relock mode
Standard mode
BOCA mode
Timed mode
Standard Mode (Default)
Once the lock has been released, it will remain released until manually relocked by a reset
device connected to the Reset Input. For information on connecting a reset device, see pg. 4,
Wiring Diagram. This reset device is often a momentary spring-loaded key switch.
This mode is for use with BOCA (Building Officials Code Administrators) regulations.
Once the lock is released, the door will remain unlocked until the door is closed. Once closed, the
door will still remain unlocked for 30 seconds. If the door is opened at any time during the 30
seconds, the timer will reset. The 30-second timer will restart once the door is closed.
NOTE: The lock status jumper (see pg. 7) must be ON with a door-mounted N.C. magnetic contact
connected to the lock status input terminal for the BOCA mode to operate correctly.
Timed Mode
Once the lock is released, it will remain released for the duration of the set post-delay timer.
To set the post-delay timer see pg. 6, Adjusting the Pre-Delay and Post-Delay.
ENFORCER Delayed Egress Timer
Adjusting the Pre-Delay and Post-Delay:
The pre-delay and post-delay timers can be
adjusted using the potentiometers located on
the bottom left of the circuit board.
Pre-delay timer
Pre-Delay: The pre-delay timer can be
adjusted from 1~30 seconds. This sets the
delay time between when the initiate device is
used and the lock is released. Once the initiate
device is triggered, the process cannot be
stopped unless the reset input is activated
(1-second default).
Post-delay timer
Post-Delay: The post-delay timer can be
adjusted from 1~60 seconds. This sets how
long the door remains unlocked in the timer
mode (1-second default).
Setting the Power-Up Mode and Nuisance Delay:
The power-up mode and nuisance delay are
set using the DIP switch at the bottom right
of the circuit board.
DIP Switch
Power-Up Mode (DIP Switch 1)
There are two types of power-up modes. These modes determine the relocking status in
case of a power loss.
Automatic Relock (Default, DIP Switch 1 OFF): In the event of a power loss, the lock will
release. When the power is restored, the lock will automatically relock.
Programmed Relock (DIP Switch 1 ON): In the event of a power loss, the lock will
release. When power is restored, the lock will relock according to the programmed mode
and relock time configuration. (See pg. 5, Relock Modes.)
Nuisance Delay (DIP Switch 2 and 3)
The nuisance delay determines how long the initiate device (such as a push-to-exit bar) must be
activated before the pre-delay timer will start. The nuisance delay can be programmed
from 0~3 seconds.
0 Seconds (Default, DIP Switch 2 and 3 OFF)
2 Seconds (DIP Switch 2 OFF and 3 ON)
1 Second (DIP Switch 2 ON and 3 OFF)
3 Seconds (DIP Switch 2 ON and 3 ON)
NOTE: Nuisance delay requirements will vary depending on local laws and codes.
ENFORCER Delayed Egress Timer
Lock Status Jumper:
When the lock status jumper is ON, the lock status
input will detect whether the door is closed and will
trigger relock functions.
Default: OFF
Jumper 1
The lock status input may be bypassed in order to
keep the door unlocked for an indefinite period of time
without activating the remote alarm output.
To bypass the lock status input, set jumper 1 to OFF.
The lock status input must be ON for BOCA Mode
(See pg. 5, Relock Modes).
Security Mode Jumper:
Default: OFF
To activate security mode, set jumper 2 to ON.
In security mode, after the initiate device (such as a
push-to-exit bar) has been triggered and the
pre-delay timer has ended, the lock will remain active
until the initiate device has been triggered a second
Jumper 2
When security mode is OFF, the initiate device must
only be activated once.
Local Alarm Output Type Jumper:
The SA-025EQ is equipped with a 500mA@12VDC
transistor ground output for a local alarm, typically an
audible or visual device.
Default: OFF
Jumper 3
The local alarm output can be set for steady or
pulsing. When set ON, the local alarm pulses during
the pre-delay, gradually pulsing faster until the end of
the pre-delay time. The local alarm will continue
signaling steady 5 seconds after the lock has been
released. When set OFF, the local alarm is steady
during the pre-delay time and for 5 seconds after the
lock has been released.
LED 4 is on when the local alarm output is active.
The local alarm signals when the pre-delay bypass
is used (see pg. 9).
To set the local alarm output type ON (steady) or
OFF (pulsing), use jumper 3 on the right side of the
circuit board.
ENFORCER Delayed Egress Timer
Remote Alarm Relay Output:
The SA-025EQ is equipped with a 10A@24VDC Form C dry relay output for a
remote alarm.
The remote alarm relay is normally energized. The onboard screen print refers to the
energized state as normal.
A remote alarm connected to this output will begin signaling at the start of the
pre-delay timer.
The remote alarm will continue signaling until the door is relocked.
In the event of power loss, the remote alarm relay will de-energize to trigger the
remote alarm.
The remote alarm will signal when the pre-delay bypass is activated.
The remote alarm will also signal during free egress if the door is left open longer than
5 seconds (door status jumper must be ON for this to occur).
LED 3 (red) is on when the remote alarm relay is energized.
Lock Relay Output:
The SA-025EQ is equipped with a 10A@24VDC Form C dry relay output that can be used
with a fail-safe or fail-secure lock.
The lock relay is normally energized. The onboard screen print refers to the energized state
as normal.
In standard mode, the lock relay will de-energize after the pre-delay time expires. The lock
relay will re-energize when the reset input is activated.
In BOCA mode, the lock relay will de-energize after the pre-delay time expires. The lock
relay will re-energize after a door with a N.C. magnetic contact attached to the lock status
input has been closed for 30 consecutive seconds.
In timed mode, the lock relay will de-energize after the pre-delay time expires. The lock
relay will re-energize after the post-delay time expires.
LED 2 (red) is on when the lock relay is energized.
Local Alarm Output:
The SA-025EQ is equipped with a 500mA@12VDC transistor ground output for a
local alarm.
The local alarm output can be set for steady or pulsing by changing jumper 3 (see pg. 7)
LED 4 (red) is on when the local alarm output is active.
Pre-Delay Bypass Input (N.O.+):
Connect a N.O. switch between the pre-delay bypass and the positive terminal.
The pre-delay bypass input bypasses the pre-delay time for immediate egress.
The remote alarm and local alarm outputs are still active when the pre-delay bypass is used.
The door will relock according to the relock mode.
ENFORCER Delayed Egress Timer
Free Egress Input (N.C.+):
Connect a N.C. toggle switch between the free egress input and the positive terminal.
The free egress input allows the lock to be put in the free egress mode. This bypasses any
delays and alarms, allowing the initiate device to act as a simple egress device.
In the free egress mode, the lock is released as soon as the initiate device is triggered.
The door will relock after 5 seconds.
This can be used in conjunction with a timer (such as the SA-027Q annual timer) to allow
free egress during the day, but restricted access at night.
The remote alarm will also signal during free egress if the door is left open longer than
5 seconds (the lock status jumper must be ON for this to occur).
If not used then a jumper must be installed between the free egress input and the positive
power input terminal.
Reset Input (N.C.+):
Connect a N.C. switch between the reset input and the positive terminal.
The reset input is used to reset the SA-025EQ.
The reset input is only necessary in the standard relock mode.
Initiate Input (N.C.+):
Connect a N.C. device (such as the SD-961A-36 Push-to-Exit Bar) between the initiate
input and the positive terminal.
The initiate input is used to activate the SA-025EQ.
To activate, hold down the initiate input for the duration of the nuisance delay timer.
Bypass Input (N.C.+):
Connect a N.C. switch between the bypass input and the positive terminal.
The bypass input is used to bypass the SA-025EQ and allow unrestricted entry and exit via
the door.
When the bypass input is activated, the lock will immediately release. It will remain released
until the bypass input is deactivated.
The bypass input will not trigger the remote alarm or local alarm.
If not used then a jumper must be installed between the bypass input and the positive
power input terminal.
Lock Status Input (N.C.+):
Connect a N.C. magnetic contact (such as the SM-200Q) between the lock status input and
the positive terminal.
The lock status input will detect if the door on which the magnetic contact is mounted is
closed in order to trigger the relock functions.
Power Input (12~24 VAC/VDC):
The SA-025EQ is powered by a 12~24 VAC or VDC power supply.
LED 1 (blue) is on when the SA-025EQ is powered.
ENFORCER Delayed Egress Timer
Sample Application – Installation in a Building
In this application, the SA-025EQ is used to delay exit from a building.
Relock mode set to standard mode.
Pre-delay timer set to 15 seconds.
Power-up mode set to automatic relock (DIP Switch 1 OFF).
Nuisance delay set to 0 seconds (DIP Switch 2 and 3 OFF).
Lock status jumper ON.
Security mode jumper OFF.
Strobe light
Local alarm output type jumper ON.
Electromagnetic lock
Alarm buzzer
Spring-loaded switch
Push-to-exit bar
Magnetic contact
. A N.C. magnetic contact mounted on a door is connected to the lock status input so the SA-025EQ
knows if the door is opened or closed.
A push-to-exit bar is connected to the initiate input. This device will be the primary means of egress.
A spring-loaded switch is connected to the reset input. This device will manually reset
the lock.
. A spring-loaded switch is connected to the pre-delay bypass input. This will allow any authorized
user immediate access to the protected premises.
An alarm buzzer is connected to the local alarm output to indicate when the SA-025EQ is in the
process of unlocking a door. The alarm buzzer will remain active for 5 seconds after the door is
An electromagnetic lock is connected to the lock relay output.
A strobe light is connected to the remote alarm relay output. This device will signal at a remote
location whenever the remote alarm relay output is triggered.
The bypass input and free egress input are not used. Jumpers are placed between the bypass input,
free egress input, and positive power input terminal.
ENFORCER Delayed Egress Timer
Sample Application – Installation with a Gate Operator
In this application, the SA-025EQ is used to warn that a gate is about to open or close.
This application is only for gates that use the same input for both opening and closing the gate.
Relock mode set to standard mode.
Pre-delay timer set to 15 seconds.
Power-up mode set to automatic relock (DIP Switch 1 OFF).
Nuisance delay set to 0 seconds (DIP Switch 2 and 3 OFF).
Lock status jumper OFF.
Security mode jumper OFF.
Local alarm output type jumper ON.
Gate warning
Audible warning
A wireless initiate device, such as the SK-919TD1S-UP, is triggered.
A wireless receiver, such as the SK-910RBQ receives the signal. The receiver’s common terminal
is connected to a positive voltage and the normally closed terminal is connected to the SA-025EQ’s
initiate input.
An audible indicator sounds during the pre-delay time to alert the user that the gate
is about to open. The local alarm will remain active for 5 seconds after the gate starts opening.
A gate operator connected to the lock relay output is triggered and opens a gate.
A gate warning light, such as the SL-1301-BAQ LED Strobe Light, signals while the gate is
The wireless receiver is also connected to the reset input. After the gate has opened, the
SK-919TD1S-UP is triggered again, deactivating the SA-025EQ.
The bypass input and free egress input are not used. Jumpers are placed between the bypass
input, free egress input, and positive power input terminal.
ENFORCER Delayed Egress Timer
Check the nuisance delay.
See pg. 6, Nuisance Delay.
Check the pre-delay timer.
See pg. 6, Adjusting the Pre-Delay and
Initiate device (such as a push-to-exit bar)
will not release the lock
Check the security mode.
See pg. 7, Security Mode Jumper.
Check the relock mode.
See pg. 5, Relock Modes.
Check the bypass input.
See pg. 8, Bypass Input.
Door will not relock
Check the lock status.
See pg. 7, Lock Status Jumper.
Door automatically relocks in BOCA mode.
Also Available from SECO-LARM:
LED Strobe
1-sec to 365-day
IMPORTANT Users and installers of this product are responsible for ensuring this product complies with all national, state, and local laws,
statutes, and codes related to locking and egress devices. SECO-LARM will not be held responsible for the use of this product in violation of
any current laws, statutes, or codes.
WARRANTY This SECO-LARM product is warranted against defects in material and workmanship while used in normal service for a
period of one (1) year from the date of sale to the original consumer customer. SECO-LARM’s obligation is limited to the repair or
replacement of any defective part if the unit is returned, transportation prepaid, to SECO-LARM. This Warranty is void if damage is caused
by or attributed to acts of God, physical or electrical misuse or abuse, neglect, repair, or alteration, improper or abnormal usage, or faulty
installation, or if for any other reason SECO-LARM determines that such equipment is not operating properly as a result of causes other
than defects in material and workmanship. The sole obligation of SECO-LARM, and the purchaser’s exclusive remedy, shall be limited to
replacement or repair only, at SECO-LARM’s option. In no event shall SECO-LARM be liable for any special, collateral, incidental, or
consequential personal or property damages of any kind to the purchaser or anyone else.
NOTICE The information and specifications printed in this manual are current at the time of publication. However, the SECO-LARM policy
is one of continual development and improvement. For this reason, SECO-LARM reserves the right to change specifications without notice.
SECO-LARM is also not responsible for misprints or typographical errors.
Copyright © 2012 SECO-LARM U.S.A., Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced or copied, in whole or in part, without
the written permission of SECO-LARM.
Made in Taiwan
16842 Millikan Avenue, Irvine, CA 92606
Tel: 800-662-0800 / 949-261-2999 Fax: 949-261-7326
Order Part #763-021-3%
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