Quick Start Guide
End User License, Warranty, and Safety Notices
The software included in this Product (including, without limitation, firmware and all SERVICE AGREEMENTS. Please contact your Polycom Authorized Reseller for information
updated thereto, including any software that may be downloaded electronically via the about service agreements applicable to your product.
internet or otherwise (the “Software”) is licensed, not sold. Customer shall not reverse SOFTWARE SUPPORT. Polycom will provide support for software running on the Product if
compile, disassemble, or otherwise reverse engineer, embed with any other software all of the following conditions are satisfied:
product, or modify in any manner with respect thereto, the software in whole or in part. • The product is under warranty or is covered by a Polycom service contract;
LIMITED WARRANTY. Polycom warrants to the end user (“Customer”) that this product • The product is operating on a Polycom-approved partner platform; and
will be free from defects in workmanship and materials, under normal use and service, • The product software is the current major version or the next preceding major version
for one year from the date of purchase from Polycom or its authorized reseller.
(software revisions are labeled as “x.y.z,” with the first two digits designating major
Polycom’s sole obligation under this express warranty shall be, at Polycom’s option and versions).
expense, to repair the defective product or part, deliver to Customer an equivalent Requests for software support should be made through the Polycom Reseller from whom
product or part to replace the defective item, or if neither of the two foregoing options the product was purchased.
are reasonably available, Polycom may, in its sole discretion, refund to Customer the LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. TO THE FULL EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW, POLYCOM EXCLUDES
purchase price paid for the defective product. All products that are replaced will become FOR ITSELF AND ITS SUPPLIERS ANY LIABILITY, WHETHER BASED IN CONTRACT OR TORT
the property of Polycom. Replacement products or parts may be new or reconditioned. (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), FOR INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, OR
Polycom warrants any replaced or repaired product or part for ninety (90) days from PUNITIVE DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, OR FOR LOSS OF REVENUE OR PROFITS, LOSS OF
shipment, or the remainder of the initial warranty period, whichever is longer.
Products returned to Polycom must be sent prepaid and packaged appropriately for safe OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE, INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, USE, PERFORMANCE,
shipment, and it is recommended that they be insured or sent by a method that provides FAILURE, OR INTERRUPTION OF ITS PRODUCTS, EVEN IF POLYCOM OR ITS AUTHORIZED
for tracking of the package. Responsibility for loss or damage does not transfer to RESELLER HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, AND LIMITS ITS
Polycom until the returned item is received by Polycom. The repaired or replaced item LIABILITY TO REPAIR, REPLACEMENT, OR REFUND OF THE PURCHASE PRICE PAID, AT
will be shipped to Customer, at Polycom’s expense, not later than thirty (30) days after POLYCOM’S OPTION. THIS DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES WILL NOT BE
Polycom receives the defective product, and Polycom will retain risk of loss or damage AFFECTED IF ANY REMEDY PROVIDED HEREIN SHALL FAIL OF ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE.
until the item is delivered to Customer.
DISCLAIMER. Some countries, states, or provinces do not allow the exclusion or limitation
EXCLUSIONS. Polycom will not be liable under this limited warranty if its testing and of implied warranties or the limitation of incidental or consequential damages for certain
examination disclose that the alleged defect or malfunction in the product does not exist products supplied to consumers, or the limitation of liability for personal injury, so the
or results from:
• Failure to follow Polycom’s installation, operation, or maintenance instructions.
• Unauthorized product repair, modification or alteration.
above limitations and exclusions may be limited in their application to the customer.
When the implied warranties are not allowed to be excluded in their entirety, they will be
limited to the duration of the applicable written warranty. This warranty gives the
• Unauthorized use of common carrier communication services accessed through the customer specific legal rights which may vary depending on local law.
GOVERNING LAW. This Limited Warranty and Limitation of Liability shall be governed by
• Abuse, misuse, negligent acts or omissions of Customer and persons under Customer’s the laws of the State of California, U.S.A., and by the laws of the United States, excluding
control; or
their conflicts of laws principles. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the
• Acts of third parties, acts of God, accident, fire, lightning, power surges or outages, or International Sale of Goods is hereby excluded in its entirety from application to this
other hazards.
Limited Warranty and Limitation of Liability. COPYRIGHT. All rights reserved under
WARRANTY EXCLUSIVE. IF A POLYCOM PRODUCT DOES NOT OPERATE AS WARRANTED International and pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of the contents of this
ABOVE, CUSTOMER’S SOLE REMEDY FOR BREACH OF THAT WARRANTY SHALL BE REPAIR, manual may be copied, reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or
REPLACEMENT, OR REFUND OF THE PURCHASE PRICE PAID, AT POLYCOM’S OPTION. TO translated into another language or format, in whole or part, without written consent of
EXCLUSIVE AND ARE IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, TERMS, OR CONDITIONS, Polycom® and the logo design are registered trademarks of Polycom, Inc. in the United
Package Contents
OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WARRANTIES, TERMS, OR CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, Do not remove (or allow any third party to remove) any product identification, copyright
DESCRIPTION, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT, ALL OF WHICH ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. The software contained within this product is protected by United States copyright laws
POLYCOM NEITHER ASSUMES NOR AUTHORIZES ANY OTHER PERSON TO ASSUME FOR IT and international treaty provisions. Polycom, Inc., retains title and ownership of all
ANY OTHER LIABILITY IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE, INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE OR property rights with respect to the software within this product.
SAFETY AND REGULATORY INFORMATION. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC In accordance with Part 15 of the FCC Rules, the user is cautioned that any changes or
Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any operate the equipment.
interferences received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
modifications not expressly approved by Polycom, Inc. could void the user’s authority to
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This
equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed
and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. However, there is
To avoid electric shock, do not connect safety extra low voltage (SELV) circuits to
no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment teleconference station network (TNV) circuits.
does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined LAN ports contain SELV circuit, and WAN ports contain TNV circuits. Some LAN and WAN
by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the ports both use RJ-45 connectors.
interference by one or more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Use caution when connecting cables.
Installation must be performed in accordance with all relevant national wiring rules.
Installation doit être exécutée conformément à tous les règlements nationaux applicable
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the au filage électrique.
receiver is connected.
The outlet to which this apparatus is connected must be installed near the equipment and
must always be readily accessible.
laquelle l’appareil est branché doit être installée près de
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
This Polycom CX500 has been marked with the CE mark. This mark indicates compliance La prise électrique
Optional Accessories
(May be included in this package)
with EEC directories 2006/95/EC and 2004/108/EC. A full copy of the Declaration of l’équipement et doit toujours être facilement accessible.
Conformity can be obtained from Polycom Ltd., 270 Bath Road, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 This Class [B] digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
4DX, UK.
Contact Information:
Please contact your Polycom Authorized Reseller for assistance.
Cet appareil numérique de la classe [B] sera conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
Polycom, Inc. 4750 Willow Road, Pleasanton, CA 94588-2708 USA
AC Power Cord
(May vary by region)
1725-44327-001 Rev. B1
Connect Cables and Stand
AC Power connection (Optional)
Use if Power over Ethernet
(PoE) is unavailable
NOTE: To ensure adequate support, the stand must be
fully inserted into the slot on the back of the phone.
In-Call Indicator
Back key
Security Lock
Reversible tab
(For wallmount
Navigation keys
(Up, Down, Select)
LCD Display
Home key
Soft key
Soft key
Speaker key
(Listen only; no microphone)
Menu key
Mute key
Handset cord jack
Volume Up/Down
Left Side View
System Requirements
The following are the minimum software and hardware requirements:
• Ethernet connection
• Access to AC power or Power Over Ethernet (PoE)
• Network access to Microsoft® Lync™ Server 2010 or greater
Connect the Ethernet cable as shown above. Connect the AC power
supply as shown above, if not powered via the Ethernet cable.
Follow the instructions provided on the LCD display to sign in,
configure and use the phone.
contact your system administrator.
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