6 conductor supports up to 3 separate lines.
El conductor de 6 hilos soporta hasta 3 líneas independientes.
Allows for replacement of existing wall box
cover or surface-mount for new installation of
wall phone, modem or internet.
Permite la sustitución de la tapa de una caja
de pared existente o la instalación en superficie
para un nuevo teléfono de pared, modem o
Tools Needed: Screwdriver, PhoneWire,
Wire Cutters,Wire Strippers,Wire Clips.
Herramientas Necesarias: Destornillador,
cable de teléfono, alicate para cortar cable,
separador de cables, grapas para cable.
*Wiring Color Cross Reference Chart (*Carta de Cableado con Referencia Cruzada de Colores)
Use this chart if existing wires are different from Standard Red, Green (Line 1),Yellow, Black (Line 2), Blue,White (Line 3):
Utilice la carta si los cables existentes difieren de los estándar Rojo,Verde (Línea 1),Amarillo, Negro (Línea 2),Azul, Blanco (Línea 3):
Red (Rojo)
Blue/White Band (Azul/Blanco Raya)
White/Blue Band (Blanco/Azul Raya)
Blue/White Band (Azul/Blanco Raya)
White/Blue Band (Blanco/Azul Raya)
Blue (Azul)
White/Blue Band (Blanco/Azul Raya)
Green (Verde)
Yellow (Amarillo) Orange/White Band (Naranja/Blanco Raya) Orange/White Band (Naranja/Blanco Raya) Orange (Naranja)
Black (Negro)
Blue (Azul)
White/Orange Band (Blanco/Naranja Raya) White/Orange Band (Blanco/Naranja Raya) White/Orange Band (Blanco/Naranja Raya)
Green/White Band (Verde/Blanco Raya)
White (Blanco)
White/Green Band (Blanco/Verde Raya)
Limited One-YearWarranty
Philips warrants that this product shall be free from defects in material,workmanship and assembly,under normal use,in accordance with
the specifications and warnings,for one year from the date of your purchase of this product.This warranty extends only to the original
purchaser of the product,and is not transferable.To exercise your rights under this warranty,you must provide proof of purchase in the
form of an original sales receipt that shows the product name and the date of purchase. For customer support or to obtain warranty
service,please call 1-919-573-7854.THEREARE NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIEDWARRANTIES.Philips’ liability is limited to repair or,
at its sole option,replacement of the product. Incidental,special and consequential damages are disclaimed where permitted by law. This
warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may also have other rights that vary from state to state.
©2009 Philips
Made in China
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