WorldPenScan Mac
User Manual
Version: V1.0
Release: February, 2010
Penpower will provide you with the Software and support services in respect of the Soft-
ware to the maximum extent permitted by law. However, Penpower does not warrant that
the Software and information included in the package of the Software contain no defects
or errors. Penpower is not liable for any indirect, special or incidental loss arising from
the Software, including but not limited to loss of profits, damage to business reputation,
cessation of work, hardware malfunction or damage, or any other commercial damage or
loss arising from commercial use of the Software.
7. Limitation of Liability and Damages
The maximum amount of compensation payable by Penpower, in respect of any damage
incurred by you for any reason under this Agreement, is limited to the amount you have
already paid to Penpower in respect of the Software.
Under no circumstances will Penpower be held liable for the possibility of loss, notwith-
standing Penpower may be aware of the possibility of such loss.
8. Prohibition Against Sublicense
You are prohibited to assign the license in respect of the Software granted to you under
this Agreement, or to grant a sublicense to another person.
9. Jurisdiction
With regards to any disputes arising from this Agreement, Penpower and you agree that
the court having jurisdiction over the business location of Penpower will be the court in
the first instance.
10. Miscellaneous
In the event that any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid at law, such
invalidity will not affect the validity of any other provisions, or the legal enforceability of
such other provisions.
In the event that the Software cannot be executed under conditions of normal use, due to
any damage to the original disk/s, Penpower will replace the disk/s free of charge.
Chapter 1 Product Introduction.......................................................................1-1
1.1 Introduction..............................................................................................1-1
1.2 Features ....................................................................................................1-1
Chapter 2 Getting Started.................................................................................2-1
2.1 System Requirements...............................................................................2-1
2.2 Hardware Specification............................................................................2-1
2.3 Software Installation ................................................................................2-2
2.5 Registeration ............................................................................................2-4
2.6 Scanning Guide........................................................................................2-4
Chapter 3 Scanning and Settings......................................................................3-1
3.1 WorldPenScan Toolbar.............................................................................3-1
3.2 Scan Mode................................................................................................3-2
3.2.1 Sentence Scan ..............................................................................................3-2
3.2.2 Word Scan....................................................................................................3-2
3.2.3 Image Scan...................................................................................................3-3
3.3 Online Translation....................................................................................3-4
3.4 Original Image .........................................................................................3-5
3.5 Settings.....................................................................................................3-6
3.5.1 General Settings...........................................................................................3-6
3.5.2 Online Translation Settings..........................................................................3-8
There may be newer versions of the software that was released during or after this product’s
manufacturing date. If the content in the User Manual differs from the on-screen interface,
please follow the instructions on the on-screen interface instead of the User Manual.
Chapter 1 Product Introduction
Chapter 1 Product Introduction
1.1 Introduction
WorldPenScan Pro, the handheld scan device with the highest accuracy rate on the mar-
ket. The WorldPenScan Pro is a perfect scan tool for students, journalists, business people
and anyone who needs to get words, sentences and printed materials for immediate editing
with no wait.
1.2 Features
• The Best Scan and Translation Device
Connect to the computer through the USB port and is bundled with 3-in-1 functionality-
scanning, recognition and translation.
• Minimize Your Typing Efforts
The WorldPenScan Pro can scan over 800 words per minute into your application software
such as Words, Excel, Outlook, and text editors with high accuracy rate.
• Recognize 8 Languages
The WorldPenScan can scan and recognize English, French, German, Italian, Spanish,
Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese languages.
• A good Language translation and Learning Tool
By scanning words or sentences directly to the Babylon application software or other lan-
guage translation websites, you will find that WorldPenScan Pro is a wonderful friend in
translating and learning language aspects.
• Ergonomic Design
The ergonomic and light design could fit all left and right-handed users and make you
hold with comfort even long time scan.
• Babylon Dictionary and Translation Software
WorldPenScan Pro co-work with Babylon: the world leading provider of quick online
translation, which could provide:
- more than 1400 dictionaries in more than 75 languages
- more than 800 language pairs to choose from
- simple one-click translation in any application
- web page and document translation (Word, PDF, Text)
Chapter 2 Getting Started
Chapter 2 Getting Started
2.1 System Requirements
· Intel based Mac
· Mac OS X 10.5 version or later version
· USB port
2.2 Hardware Specification
· Dimensions: 130mm x 37mm x 18.5mm
· Weight: 30g (excluding USB Adapter)
· Interface: USB 2.0
· Scanning speed: 15 cm/sec.
· Character size: 5~22 pt
Function Button
Scan tip
USB Port
Scan Button
Function button:
While scanning text or images, clicking the function button will function as the [Enter]
key on the keyboard. In the [Word Scan] mode, the function key can be used to send the
next word.
2.3 Software Installation
1. Insert the WorldPenScan Pro setup CD into the CD-ROM drive. Run the Setup and
click [WorldPenScan Mac] on the Installation window to install WorldPenScan Mac.
Tip: WorldPenScan Pro includes Babylon online translation. Click Babylon to install it.
2. Please click [Continue] to install.
3. Please read the License Agreement, and
click [Continue].
Chapter 2 Getting Started
4. Click [Agree] to accept the license agree-
5. Confirm the installation location and
click [Install] to continue.
6. Click [Close] to finish the installation
2.4 Launching WorldPenScan Mac
Run [Go/Applications/WorldPenScan Mac/WorldPenScan] to launch WorldPenScan
2.5 Registeration
When you first time run the WorldPenScan, a registration reminder will appear. Please
click on [Register now] to register and ensure the warranty service. You can also click [Reg-
ister later] to close the reminder. When you need to register, click the [Tools] button and
select [About] from the toolbar and then click on [Register].
Tip: If you do not need to be reminded
again, you can check [Don’t show this
page at startup].
2.6 Scanning Guide
A Scanning Guide will appear after the
registration reminder. Use the WorldPen-
Scan as the guide directs.
Note: If you would not like to read the
message again, you can check [Do
not display this scanning guide next
time], and click [OK].
Chapter 3 Scanning and Settings
Chapter 3 Scanning and Settings
3.1 WorldPenScan Toolbar
1. Recognition Language: WorldPenScan
Mac can recognize English, French, Ger-
man, Italian, Spanish, Simplified Chinese
and Traditional Chinese, Japanese and
Korean text. Click up and down button
to see the list and select the language you
would like to scan.
Note: The Recognition Language must match the language of the content for optimal ac-
2. Scan Mode: Provide [Sentence Scan]
and [Word Scan]
. Sentence Scan: [Sentence Scan]
mode is the default scan mode for scanning an
article or a sentence directly. The scanned article or sentence will be recognized into
text and sent to your computer. Please refer to 3.2.1 Sentence Scan for more detailed
. Word Scan: When you want to scan a word for checking the meaning or translation in
Babylon or other online dictionary, you can click [Scan Mode] button to select [Word
mode, and scan a word or a sentence, and then select a word to check the
meaning or translation. Please refer to 3.2.2 Word Scan for more detailed information.
3. Online Translation: Provide a translation function in which you can assign a translation
website or Babylon software to translate the scanned words. Please refer to 3.3 Online
Translation for more detailed information.
4. Tools: Provide Image Scan, Original Image, Settings, Help and About.
. Image Scan: Check the [Image Scan] mode, the scanned image or word will be sent
to your computer in image format. Please refer to 3.2.3 Image Scan for more detailed
. Original Image: display the scanned image. See 3.4 Displaying Original Image.
. Settings: provide General, Translation Online settings. See 3.5 Settings for more de-
tailed information.
3.2 Scan Mode
3.2.1 Sentence Scan
1. Select the [Sentence Scan]
mode from the [Scan Mode].
2. Select the language of the text that you would like to scan from the [Recognition Lan-
3. Open any word processor, for example Text Edit, and then click the location where you
would like to input.
4. Place a document on a flat surface and place the scan tip at the front of your desired scan
area. Aim the Scan Tip arrow at the center of the desired scan area, and then press and
drag the WorldPenScan pen in a straight line across the area like a highlighter. During the
scanning, please make sure the white auxiliary light is on.
5. Stop applying pressure to the pen to stop scanning. The text that the pen has scanned are
displayed in your word processor immediately.
Note: Penpower WorldPenScan is able to scan and recognize one row of characters at a
time. Please place the Scan Tip arrow at the center of the line.
3.2.2 Word Scan
1. Click the [Scan Mode] button to select
the [Word Scan]
mode, an exten-
sion window will appear under the tool-
Tip: When first time switching to the Word
Scan mode, the Word Scan Guide
window will appear to guide you how
to use the Word Scan mode.
Chapter 3 Scanning and Settings
2. Select the language of the text that you would like to scan from the [Recognition Lan-
3. Open any word processor, for example Text Edit and click the location where you can
input, or click the [Online Translation]
button to open Babylon or other dictionary.
4. Place a document on a flat surface and place the scan tip in front of the word you desire to
check. Aim the arrow at the desired word, then press and drag the WorldPenScan pen in
a straight line across the word. During the scanning, please make sure the white auxiliary
light is on.
5. Stop applying pressure to the pen to stop scanning. The scanned word and meaning or
translation will display in the Babylon or other dictionary.
6. If you scan more than one word, you can press the function button on the scan pen to
choose next recognizable word or highlight a word from the extension window, the se-
lected word will be sent to the cursor location. So you can literally check the meaning or
translation of your choice.
3.2.3 Image Scan
1. Click [Tools]
button and select the [Image Scan] option from the drop-down menu.
2. Open a word processor that is able to input images (i.e. Text Edit) and then click the loca-
tion where you would like to input display the scanned images.
3. Place a document on the a flat surface and place the scan tip at the starting word or picture
and aim the Scan Tip arrow at the center of the scan area, then press and drag the scan pen
in a straight line. The white auxiliary light from the Scan Tip indicates the pen is scanning.
4. Stop applying pressure to the pen to stop scanning. The scanned picture will display on
your word processor in an image format.
3.3 Online Translation
WorldPenScan provides Babylon dictionary software and online Translation functions
for you to translate words or sentences.
1. Select the [Recognition Language] which matches the scanning words.
2. Click the [Online Translation]
button from the toolbar and then select the [Babylon]
or any online translation Website.
Note: The [Babylon] option appears only when the Babylon software is installed.
Note: Please connect to internet before using the Online Translation function.
Tip: You can organize Website Links from the Translation Settings function. Please refer
to 3.5.2 Online Translation Settings for more detailed information.
3. Babylon software or online translation Website will be opened, and WorldPenScan will
be switched to the [Word Scan]
mode automatically.
4. Place a document on the flat surface and place the scan tip at the starting word and aim the
Scan Tip arrow at the center of the scan area, the press and drag the scan pen in a straight
line. The white auxiliary light from the scan tip indicates the scan pen is scanning.
5. The first recognizable word will be translated on the Babylon software or the translation
Note: If the website does not support the enter function, please manually click the trans-
late button on the website with your mouse.
Chapter 3 Scanning and Settings
Tip: Please refer to the Babylon help for operating the Babylon software.
6. If you scan more than one word, you can press the [Function button] on the scan pen
to see the translation of the next recognizable word. You can also use your mouse to
highlight a word from the extension window, the selected word will be sent to the cursor
location for translating.
3.4 Original Image
Click [Tools]
button and select the [Original Image] option from the drop-down
menu to open the [Original Image] window. After scanning, the [Original Image] window
displays the scanned image. You can check the scanned image to compare with the original
text. This can help you improving your scan technique for more accurate recognition results.
Tip: You can click on the original image to save the image file.
3.5 Settings
3.5.1 General Settings
Click [Settings]
from the toolbar and select [General] page, you can select At the
end of the scan, insert a space and East Asian language settings.
At the end of the scan, insert a space
When choosing English, French, Ger-
man, Italian or Spanish as the recognition
language, you can check the [At the end
of the scan, insert a space automatically]
check box. While scanning English, French,
German, Italian or Spanish, the system will
automatically add a space at the end of the
East Asian Language Settings
When choosing Japanese, Korean, Sim-
plified Chinese or Traditional Chinese as the
recognition language, you can click [East
Asian Language Settings] button and ac-
cord to the document you want to scan to
choose horizontal or vertical scan direction
and left or right handed.
Scan Direction
WorldPenScan must be used to scan
the characters in a consistent direction, any
changes to the direction will cause inaccu-
rate recognition results.
Chapter 3 Scanning and Settings
Scanning Horizontal Text
When scanning horizontal text or image, you can choose the [Horizontal] option. Place
the pen on the text or image, move the pen left-to-right or right-to-left when scanning.
Left hand:
Right hand:
Scan from left-to-right or from right-to-left
Scan from right-to-left or from left-to-right
Note: Penpower WorldPenScan is able to scan and recognize one row of characters at
a time. Please place the pen in such a manner so that the Scan Tip arrow is at the
center of the line of text.
Scanning Vertically Aligned Text
When scanning vertically aligned text, you can choose [Vertically] and then select [Left-
hand] or [Right-hand]. You may scan the text in a straight top-to-bottom fashion. Align the
Scan Tip arrow on your pen to the center of the characters.
Left Hand
Right Hand
Note: The Left/Right-handed option only available when you select the vertical direction.
3.5.2 Online Translation Settings
[Translation Website Setup] lets you
add, remove, and modify online translation
websites. The websites will be shown in the
[Online Translation]
button on the
Click the [Add] button to open the
Translation Website Setup window. Input
the translation website name and its URL
address, then click [OK]. You can also
modify or remove a website by clicking the
[Modify] button or the [Remove] button.
You will find the changes when clicking
[Online Translation]
button from the
WorldPenScan Mac V1.0 User Manual
Release: February, 2010
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